The musician stated that the celebration of the
African Union (AU) Day has lost its relevance since we lack the understanding
of what can work for us as a continent in providing for our people.
The main purpose of the AU he said was to unite
Africans but from what we see today, the celebration is meaningless since we
have failed to unite ourselves.
"The main purpose of AU was to bring
African together. But have we being able to do that?''
Rex Omar wondered why Africans would have to
apply for visas before entering their member states, whereas Europeans freely
move into our continent without applying for visas.
The continent he added, is economically free as
we depend on foreign aids before its able to undertake its projects. This he
posited defeats the purpose of the formation of the AU.
"What is the meaning of the African Union?
Up till today, Ghanaians will have to apply for visas before entering other
African countries whereas Europeans walk in her without visa.
Up till today, we don't have a single common bank
that connects Africa; we don't have a single currency. We don't have anything.
So to me, this AU thing doesn't make sense.
The politician doesn't really mean it. They
only go and organise talk shops, but they don't mean what they say".
Speaking in an interview with Kwame Tutu on
Rainbow Radio on the occasion of the celebration of the AU day, he said, Africa
has nothing together to call its own with over 90 percent depending on the
colonial system of education which teaches "you theory and denies practical
solutions to your own problems".
He explained students from our various tertiary
institutions graduate with degrees and teachings of foreign principles which
have nothing to do with our in-depth development.
Citing Japan and Germany as examples, he noted,these
countries have been able to transform their countries through education which
they build within themselves and their problems which they have addressed.
The democracy practiced in Africa he stressed
is not well understood since we choose leaders without vision, direction but
self-centered, selfish and corrupt with their aim to amass wealth for
themselves and cronies.
He quizzed why Africa have created boundaries
for itself by failing to recognise the need to have a common language to
communicate among ourselves saying that it is a failure on the continent for
citizens to have difficulties to communicate because of language.
"We pretend to have governments but the
governments are not serving. We pretend but the big boys are sitting somewhere,
deciding what happens to African.
"If you put Africa together, you have
already created a market of over a billion people. So when you produce or
manufacture a product in Ghana, you don't need another market to decide the
price for you because you don't have any boundaries; when you produce a film or
music, you can sell it anywhere in Africa especially when we have developed a
common language...
The question you have to ask yourself is, Ghana
is surrounded by two French-speaking countries but have made it compulsory for
Ghanaians to learn French".
Rex Omar was of the view that nothing stops the
continent from adopting a common language for the purposes of development in
the country.
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